Monday, June 9, 2008

Women's Work

In the editorial, Women's Work, the author is very against the rights that domestic workers receive in this day and age. The author informs the public and feels very strongly about the conditions of nannies while shares the information that they are abused mentally and physically. Women, she repeats, are not treated equally in the workplace. Their wages are sometimes lower and the places of work are often indespicable. Women from 10 different cities gathered and were seeking better working conditions and pay from a national level of the government. She felt strongly about the fact that domestic workers are unable to unionize under federal or state law. One goal of Albany is to pass the Albany of the Domestic Worker's Bill of Rights. This would guarantee health benefits, paid time off and other things. The author of this informs us negatively that this bill has budged in being able to be passed. The author has a positive attitude that things will get better.

I believe that this is an issue that has been going on for decades. It is unfortunate that women do not choose their jobs wisely in ones that do pay well and do have good working conditions. I know that their are not enough perfect jobs for every women to be happy but if there is a will there's a way.

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