Monday, June 23, 2008

Comment on Colleage's Blog

I wrote my blog on the soars of gas prices I only saw one point of view. I only talked about how manufacturers of cars need to reproduce cars faster so people can afford to live. That is really not the only issue and your post made me see that. The government has a huge role in deciding what should happen and I like how you mentioned the republicans and the democrats because that made me look at where the problem really falls.Bush planning to drill for oil could have a huge deciding factor on whether gas prices are lowered or not. It could most definitely go either way.I have thought about the manufacturing of new cars but then realized that gas prices need to lower before that even happens. People obviously cannot afford to go out and purchase a new car(even if it will save them money in the long run) it is not reality and I realize that now, after I posted my blog. Your blog made me look at the complete other side and that is sometimes exactly what everyone needs.

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