Friday, June 27, 2008

Seperate but equal?

A huge problem facing the United States today is the issue of gay marriage. Honestly, I believe that there should be absolutely no issue with who anyone chooses to love, whether the person be of the same sex or of a different one. Massachusetts, being the first state to allow same sex marriages, has shown a sense of maturity to me. The government has realized that are more important problems than deciding who people should love.
I think it is completely unfair for the government to be so harsh on people who just want happiness. What about separate but equal? If people of a different sex are allowed to get married and be bonded in the eyes of the government for the rest of their lives then why shouldn't same sex couples be granted that privilege? The fact is that there are greater problems out their than this one and the government might as well act upon it now because the so called "issue" is always going to be there.

1 comment:

Teresa A said...

On a religious view i disagree with your statement completely, however on a governmental view i couldn't agree more. If our government is going to declare things "separate but equal" it should apply to everything. All people want is to be happy. If our government is going to try to take that away from people because of who they are attracted to, then they are wrong for doing so.
Discrimination as been a recurring issue in the United States. Every time people are fighting for their rights and the government pushes them down. This is one of those times. People should not be discriminated against for any reason. Blacks got their rights, women got their rights, when will gay's get theirs?