Friday, June 13, 2008

A Closer Look at Graduation Rates

In the editorial, A Closer Look at Graduation Rates, Daniel de Vise argues and expresses his opinion on the topic of Graduation Rates in the counties surrounding D.C, and those throughout the world. Many high schools are taking AP classes and then following those classes students have to take an exam to see if they earn college credit. Many students are doing very well on these tests, and other tests and the rates of passage of students are rising each year. This is not near the case for the graduation rates at the high schools, says de Vise. He shares that the graduation rates of half the schools in the counties surrounding DC lowered from 2002-2005. How can he just talk about AP students? I don't think he is necessarily thinking that broadly on this topic because I am pretty positive that the AP students are the ones constantly graduating.

He also does not believe that the lower income school systems are not getting their information in accurately and that their information is unreliable. I think that he is correct because they obviously do not have the money for accurate technology or possibly have lower educated teachers and they cannot some up with more accurate ways to report the data. He shares at the end of his post that more counties are coming up with different ways to report their students' information.

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