Sunday, June 29, 2008

2nd commentary on colleage

I completely related to your blog and understood completely where you were coming from. In my English class this year we spent a little bit of time focusing on the presidential elections but did not go into detail. While researching more lately, I did find out that Obama support gay marriages and i, as well as you find that very brave of him to admit that to the world.

I also agree with the fact that you said that this world is changing faster than we know it. I feel like I was just in 2ND grade and obviously the gas prices were much lower than they are now. The point is people are becoming more confident in who they are and urging to share the fact that they might be gay with more people and all they want is to be accepted. Good job on sharing this information on Obama to more people!

Friday, June 27, 2008

Seperate but equal?

A huge problem facing the United States today is the issue of gay marriage. Honestly, I believe that there should be absolutely no issue with who anyone chooses to love, whether the person be of the same sex or of a different one. Massachusetts, being the first state to allow same sex marriages, has shown a sense of maturity to me. The government has realized that are more important problems than deciding who people should love.
I think it is completely unfair for the government to be so harsh on people who just want happiness. What about separate but equal? If people of a different sex are allowed to get married and be bonded in the eyes of the government for the rest of their lives then why shouldn't same sex couples be granted that privilege? The fact is that there are greater problems out their than this one and the government might as well act upon it now because the so called "issue" is always going to be there.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Comment on Colleage's Blog

I wrote my blog on the soars of gas prices I only saw one point of view. I only talked about how manufacturers of cars need to reproduce cars faster so people can afford to live. That is really not the only issue and your post made me see that. The government has a huge role in deciding what should happen and I like how you mentioned the republicans and the democrats because that made me look at where the problem really falls.Bush planning to drill for oil could have a huge deciding factor on whether gas prices are lowered or not. It could most definitely go either way.I have thought about the manufacturing of new cars but then realized that gas prices need to lower before that even happens. People obviously cannot afford to go out and purchase a new car(even if it will save them money in the long run) it is not reality and I realize that now, after I posted my blog. Your blog made me look at the complete other side and that is sometimes exactly what everyone needs.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

As Gas Prices Increase, Extra Spendings Decrease

Do you really need that? That's what I overheard a mother asking her son at HEB about some candy he had his eye on. A year earlier she probably would have bought the candy for him... that is when gas prices weren't as high as they are today. It is unreal how pricy it is to get gas and it really makes the every day American rethink on what they spend their extra spending money because some of that most likely has to be spent on gas.
Car manufactuers are producing cars that are not gas fueled like the hydrogen car or the car that is able to be plugged in. Yes, these new cars are being produced, but in my opinion, not fast enough. Everyone is still driving their gas fueled cars to an from work every day because they have to with no other choice. I believe these cars need to be produced faster and cheap obviously because people can't afford much anymore.

Some kids are being deprived of summer camps and hard working dads are working longer hours with no vacation time because of the sudden increase of gas prices. I got a job for the summer and my parents are making me pay for my own tanks of gas. I realized how expensive gas had gotten when I spent my own pay check on one, single, measly tank of gas. Honestly, I am not the expert on the answer to this but I do know that things need to happen/

Friday, June 13, 2008

A Closer Look at Graduation Rates

In the editorial, A Closer Look at Graduation Rates, Daniel de Vise argues and expresses his opinion on the topic of Graduation Rates in the counties surrounding D.C, and those throughout the world. Many high schools are taking AP classes and then following those classes students have to take an exam to see if they earn college credit. Many students are doing very well on these tests, and other tests and the rates of passage of students are rising each year. This is not near the case for the graduation rates at the high schools, says de Vise. He shares that the graduation rates of half the schools in the counties surrounding DC lowered from 2002-2005. How can he just talk about AP students? I don't think he is necessarily thinking that broadly on this topic because I am pretty positive that the AP students are the ones constantly graduating.

He also does not believe that the lower income school systems are not getting their information in accurately and that their information is unreliable. I think that he is correct because they obviously do not have the money for accurate technology or possibly have lower educated teachers and they cannot some up with more accurate ways to report the data. He shares at the end of his post that more counties are coming up with different ways to report their students' information.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Women's Work

In the editorial, Women's Work, the author is very against the rights that domestic workers receive in this day and age. The author informs the public and feels very strongly about the conditions of nannies while shares the information that they are abused mentally and physically. Women, she repeats, are not treated equally in the workplace. Their wages are sometimes lower and the places of work are often indespicable. Women from 10 different cities gathered and were seeking better working conditions and pay from a national level of the government. She felt strongly about the fact that domestic workers are unable to unionize under federal or state law. One goal of Albany is to pass the Albany of the Domestic Worker's Bill of Rights. This would guarantee health benefits, paid time off and other things. The author of this informs us negatively that this bill has budged in being able to be passed. The author has a positive attitude that things will get better.

I believe that this is an issue that has been going on for decades. It is unfortunate that women do not choose their jobs wisely in ones that do pay well and do have good working conditions. I know that their are not enough perfect jobs for every women to be happy but if there is a will there's a way.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

The state of Texas ordered the closure of Johnston high school after the school year of 2008. In, State orders closure of Johnston by Regina Dennis and Laura Heinauer, a sad story is told of a school with heart.

The school is closing because this is the fourth year in a row that they have failed the taks test as school. This is not the only reason. 600 out of their 760 students had more than 10 unexcused abscences in the 2006-2007 school year alone. That is a horrible number and shows that the students were not learning and that is why tthey were not passing the tests.

Johnston Plans to reopen very soon with new and improved changes.